A Man by the name of Ryan O’Donnell with his two children was shopping at a supermarket for food.Ryan and his son went to the cash register after purchasing everything they required. This elderly woman was standing in front of them, trying to pay for her groceries using her card, but her card was repeatedly turned down. Ryan decided to pay for her groceries because he didn’t want her to leave empty-handed, which made him feel uneasy. The old woman had to pay $44. And Ryan immediately took $50 out of his wallet and asked the woman to pay for the groceries.

Ryan did a good deed and showed kindness without realizing that someone was watching and taking pictures of it. The story of Ryan’s small acts of kindness and the pictures that were shared on social media attracted a lot of attention. His action was applauded by many of people. Ryan told a local medium, when asked why he chose to pay for the woman’s groceries, “I did what my parents taught me, to help others when I could!” If we had more Ryans, just imagine how the world would look. If this story has inspired you, please SHARE it with your Facebook friends!