During Game 4 of the World Series, two Yankees fans, Austin Capobianco and John Peter, caused controversy by interfering with Mookie Betts’ attempt to catch a foul ball. As Betts leaped for the ball, Capobianco grabbed his glove, while Peter pulled Betts’ hand, preventing him from making the catch. This led to the umpires ruling the Yankees player out due to fan interference, and security promptly escorted the fans from the stadium.
Capobianco later defended their actions, claiming they were just trying to help their team. However, social media erupted with backlash, calling the incident unsportsmanlike and embarrassing for Yankees fans. Many expressed concerns for Betts’ safety, with some even speculating on the legal implications had he been injured.
In response, the New York Yankees condemned the fans’ behavior as “egregious and unaccep