Mel and her MIL Laura were always in a rocky relationship. Laura was a type of person who would act as if she knew everything. Her husband Edward, and his brother Michael, were Laura’s gift to the world, as she would think.

They had many traumas from Laura’s parenting skills.
For their second anniversary, back in time, they decided to threw a small party.

Mel was surprised as she was not expecting Laura to buy them a gift.
When the party was over, and the guests were left, Mel opened the envelope, which shocked her.
There was a list of expenses Laura paid while raising her son, and she wanted them back from Mel now, as if she ordered Edward into her life.
Diapers — $2,500
School supplies — $1,200
Sports equipment — $1,100
College tuition — $25,000
Emotional support — $10,000
“Nurturing a loving son for you’”— priceless (with a smiley face)
The couple were shocked, as they were aware that Laura wanted the money really. This was not a joke.
Then Mel made her own bill for Laura. Her birthday was around the corner, and she was going to throw a party. This was the perfect opportunity for her to hit back.
When the big day arrived short after, Mel used the same method for her gift. After that, Laura never talked with them.
Here is the Mel’s list;
Listening to her criticize my cooking — $5,000
Smiling through backhanded compliments at family dinners — $8,000
Pretending not to notice when she “accidentally” forgets my birthday — $1,000
The therapy sessions after her constant interference in our marriage — $30,000
Teaching her son what a normal family looks like — $20,000
“Emotional support for dealing with her drama”— priceless

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