My Boyfriend and I Took a DNA Test for Ancestry and Discovered We’re Relatives – Story of the Day


Jonathan and I celebrated our anniversary with a cozy dinner and thoughtful gifts, but our joy turned to horror. I couldn’t imagine that my silly gift idea of doing a DNA test could turn into the end of our relationship. My mother revealed a secret from the past that almost ruined my present.

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My boyfriend and I were having dinner at home that evening. The warm glow of the candles on the dining table added to the cozy atmosphere, and the scent of the delicious meal we had just finished lingered in the air.

It was our relationship anniversary, a special night we both looked forward to celebrating. As we finished eating, it was time to exchange gifts.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

I carefully took the gift box out of my bag and turned to Jonathan, my boyfriend. His eyes sparkled with curiosity and excitement.

“You first!” I said playfully, eager to see what Jonathan had prepared for me. He always gave such thoughtful gifts, and I could hardly wait.


“Alright,” Jonathan replied with a smile. He reached under the table and pulled out a small gift bag, handing it to me. His smile was warm and loving, making my heart flutter.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

I quickly grabbed the bag and began to unwrap it eagerly. The anticipation was almost too much. Inside the box was a beautiful necklace with a cat-shaped pendant.

The intricate details of the cat’s figure were exquisite, and I couldn’t hold back my tears. My eyes filled with tears of joy and sadness.

“It’s Chris, my Chris…” I smiled through the tears, but they kept coming. They were tears of mixed emotions, a blend of happiness and the lingering sadness of losing my beloved cat.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“I know it’s been hard for you since you lost your cat. But I want you to know that she’s always with you, and this pendant will remind you of that,” Jonathan said softly.

“Thank you, love.” I hugged Jonathan tightly. It was such an unexpected gift, but it truly touched me. Jonathan understood what had been troubling me recently. I felt so happy at that moment, knowing I had a loving person by my side. He understood me better than anyone else. It felt like nothing could go wrong when he was around.

I wiped my eyes and handed my gift to him. “My turn,” I said, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness about his reaction.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Jonathan took my gift and carefully unwrapped it, trying not to tear the wrapping paper, which was so like him. I watched him closely, eager to see his reaction. His eyes widened as he saw the contents of the box.

“Of course, after your gift, mine doesn’t seem good enough. But I knew you loved history, so I thought you’d be interested in learning about your own…” I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

“Don’t be silly, love. Your gift will be wonderful, and I’m sure it’s just as good!” Jonathan placed his hand on my knee and smiled warmly, reassuring me.

“Alright, open it up,” I said, smiling back at him.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Jonathan opened the box, and inside was a document and two hair samples. His eyes lit up with excitement as he realized what it was.


“Is this what I think it is?” Jonathan asked eagerly, reading the document.

“I remembered you wanted to do a DNA ancestry test but kept putting it off. I thought you’d enjoy doing it, and there was an option to do a couple’s test, so I took advantage of that,” I explained, feeling a sense of relief that he seemed to like it.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“Thank you! You remembered! You know how much I love these things! Let’s check it out right away. I bet I have some Irish blood!” Jonathan said, his enthusiasm infectious.

I smiled with relief. I had been worried about whether he would like it, but seeing his excitement, I felt reassured. I walked over to him to look at the results together.


We laughed and joked as we compared our ancestries, feeling a sense of adventure in discovering our roots.

But suddenly, Jonathan’s face turned pale. The color drained from his cheeks, and his eyes widened in shock.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“This can’t be…” he whispered, his voice trembling.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, my heart pounding with anxiety.

He pointed to a section of the document that indicated we were related. The test showed that our DNA had familial ties. My heart sank as I read the words, my mind racing to make sense of it.

“This must be a mistake…” I said, my voice barely above a whisper.


Our wonderful evening turned into a nightmare in an instant. We both sat in silence, unsure of what to do next. The joy and laughter that had filled the room just moments ago were replaced with confusion and fear.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

I reached for Jonathan’s hand, and we held on to each other, trying to find some comfort in the midst of the unexpected and unsettling revelation.

The next day, while Jonathan was at work, I went to my mother’s house to ask about what I had discovered.

The test results had been a shock, and since seeing them, Jonathan and I had grown distant. We were both in a state of confusion, not knowing how to react.


Was this the end for us? I didn’t want it to be, but could we continue being together if we were relatives? It felt wrong. I felt terrible; this was the worst thing that could happen.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

When I arrived at my mom’s house, I struggled to find the words. My stomach churned, and my heart raced. Mom immediately noticed something was wrong.

“Honey, what happened? You don’t seem yourself,” she said, her eyes full of concern.

“Mom, I don’t know what to do. Everything is terrible…” I said, my voice breaking.

“Come in, dear,” Mom invited me inside, guiding me to the living room. “Sit down and tell me what’s going on.”


I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. “Mom, yesterday, the DNA test results for Jonathan and me came back. It showed that we are related. Can you explain this?”

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Mom’s face paled, and she sat down heavily on the couch. She looked deeply troubled, but eventually, she spoke. “I think I know the answer to your question…”

She got up and went to a dusty shelf, pulling down an old photo album. She wiped it off and sat down next to me. “I knew I’d have to tell you the truth someday, but I never thought it would be under these circumstances.”

“What are you talking about, Mom?” I asked, feeling a sinking sensation in my stomach.


“Your father, Sam, isn’t your biological father…” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“What?! Why didn’t you ever tell me? Does Dad know?” I exclaimed, my mind reeling.

“I didn’t know how to approach it. I never thought you’d start dating a relative of your biological father… Sam doesn’t know, and it’s best if it stays that way,” she explained, her eyes filling with regret.

“But why? Did you cheat on Dad?” I asked, my voice shaking.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


“It wasn’t quite like that. Back then, your father and I didn’t know how serious things were between us… I was young, and your father was so unsure and inconsistent. His friend Kevin from work was always around and really wanted to be with me,” she began, looking away.

“I don’t know any of Dad’s friends named Kevin…” I said, trying to piece everything together.

“They never spoke again after Kevin confessed his love for me. That night, he got drunk and confessed to me right in front of Sam. Sam attacked him, and they had a falling out, but Sam didn’t know I had spent the night with Kevin the day before,” she continued, tears in her eyes.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“So it’s true? My Jonathan is related to Kevin, my biological father?” I asked, feeling the weight of the revelation.


“Possibly. That’s the only way I can explain the test results,” Mom said, her voice filled with sorrow.

“What should I do now? I love Jonathan. I want to spend my life with him!” I cried, feeling a mix of desperation and confusion.

“Honey, if he’s your relative, it’s wrong. I understand it’s hard, but sometimes we have to make tough decisions,” Mom said gently, placing a hand on my shoulder.

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“Why?! Why did this happen? If you had just been faithful to my father, none of this would have happened!” I shouted, unable to contain my anger.

“Honey, please forgive me. I didn’t know it would lead to this…” she pleaded, tears streaming down her face.


“I don’t want to see you!” I yelled, standing up abruptly. I couldn’t stay with Mom for another second, not now, not at this moment. I needed to talk to Jonathan.

I left the house, slamming the door behind me. My mind was a whirlwind of emotions—anger, sadness, confusion.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

How could my mother keep such a secret from me? How could she let this happen? I drove home, my thoughts racing, trying to make sense of everything.

When I got home, I found Jonathan sitting on the couch, looking worried. As soon as I walked in, he stood up and came over to me, concern etched on his face. I took a deep breath, knowing I had to tell him everything I had learned from my mother.


“Jonathan, we need to talk,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady. He nodded and led me to the couch, where we both sat down.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“What’s going on?” he asked gently, taking my hand in his.

“I went to see my mom today,” I began, feeling the weight of the conversation pressing down on me. “She told me something that changed everything.”

Jonathan looked at me with wide eyes, waiting for me to continue. I could see the worry in his expression, and it broke my heart to think about how this might affect us.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


“She told me that my dad, Sam, isn’t my biological father,” I said, watching his reaction closely. “She said that my biological father is a man named Kevin, who was a friend of Sam’s.”

Jonathan looked shocked. “I don’t know anyone named Kevin,” he said slowly. “My mom never talked about my dad, so I have no idea who he could be.”

“That’s the thing,” I continued. “Mom said that Kevin was in love with her and that they had a fling right before she got serious with Sam. She thinks there’s a chance that your dad could be Kevin.”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Jonathan’s face grew pale. He sat back, looking dazed. “So, we could be… related?” he asked, the words sounding strange and unreal.


I nodded, feeling tears well up in my eyes. “It seems like it,” I whispered. “It feels so unfair. I can’t believe this is happening because of something that happened so long ago.”

Jonathan reached out and pulled me into his arms. “It’s okay,” he said softly. “We’ll figure this out.”

He always knew how to make me feel better, just by being there and listening. His presence was comforting, but the reality of our situation weighed heavily on both of us.

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“We need to talk about what happens next,” Jonathan said after a few moments of silence.

“What happens next, Jonathan?” I asked, my voice trembling.


“You understand that if this is true, we need to decide what will happen between us,” he said gently, his eyes filled with sadness.

“Don’t say that, Jonathan!” I cried, feeling my heart break.

“I don’t want this any more than you do, but we can’t leave things as they are. It would be wrong,” he said, his voice firm but caring.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

I couldn’t hold back my tears. It was horrible how everything could change so much in one day! I buried my face in my hands, feeling overwhelmed by the emotions flooding through me.

Suddenly, our conversation was interrupted by a phone call. I took out my phone and saw the number, looking confused at Jonathan.


“Who is it?” he asked, frowning.

“This number… It’s the place where I ordered the test…” I said, my voice trailing off.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

“Maybe not now… They probably want to ask for feedback, and you’re not likely to say anything nice right now,” Jonathan suggested, trying to protect me.

“I think it’s something else. I feel like I need to take this call,” I said, my instincts telling me it was important.

I answered the phone and heard a woman’s voice on the other end. She confirmed my name and order number and then sighed heavily.

“I’m very sorry. There was a terrible mistake. During your test, the DNA samples got mixed up, which caused incorrect results,” she explained.

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“What do you mean?” I asked, my heart pounding.

“The DNA test you ordered was done incorrectly. We offer you another test for free,” she said apologetically.

“No, thank you… Are you sure the test was wrong?” I asked, needing to be certain.

“Yes, absolutely,” she confirmed.

“Thank you for calling,” I said, feeling a huge sense of relief.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


I was one step away from having my life ruined by a stupid mistake made by some scientist. So much could have changed in this day.

I turned to Jonathan, feeling a mix of relief and disbelief. “Jonathan, it was a mistake. The test was wrong.”

He looked at me, his eyes widening with hope. “Are you sure?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

“Yes, they confirmed it,” I said, tears of relief streaming down my face. “We’re not related.”

Jonathan pulled me into a tight hug, and we held each other, realizing how close we came to being victims of a mistake. I hugged him as tightly as I could, never wanting to let go. The fear and confusion melted away, replaced by a profound sense of gratitude.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


From that day on, I cherished our relationship even more. I never wanted to feel that we couldn’t be together again.

The experience brought us closer, and we learned to value each other even more deeply. Jonathan and I knew that no matter what challenges we faced, we would face them together, with love and resilience.

Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.

If you enjoyed this story, read this one: My mom gave up everything to raise me. After my dad bailed, she was always there for me, the only one. All I wanted was to do something nice for her. So, I figured it wasn’t too late for her to find love on a dating app. But Lord, what I definitely DIDN’T EXPECT was finding her with my boss! Read the full story here.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone’s life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to

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