I Lost My Job and Income for 2 Years, but These Hacks Still Gave Me a Nice Life – Now I Earn Enough, but I Still Use Them


Losing my job was a terrible experience. I went from living a comfortable life to being almost homeless in just a few months. What kept me afloat, despite having no money, were these few life hacks that I’d like to share with you today.

They say you find out who your real friends are when you’re at your lowest, and I bear witness to that. Let me tell you what happened during the last six years of my life.

Fresh out of college, I was an ambitious graduate who landed a well-paying job at one of the best firms in town. I was doing really well financially.

My friends and I used to go on international trips and do all kinds of crazy things. Money was the least of my priorities back then.

Those were the days, let me tell you. But life had other plans for me.

Soon after graduating, I tied the knot with Mia, my college girlfriend, and we rented a cozy apartment to begin a new chapter of our lives.

A couple unloading boxes from their car | Source: Pexels

A couple unloading boxes from their car | Source: Pexels

I remember how happy I was when we moved into our new home. Everything seemed perfect.

Then, my world turned upside down when I caught Mia cheating on me with one of my friends. Yes, you read that right. I caught my wife and my so-called friend in our apartment when I returned home from work early one day.

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw them getting intimate on the same bed where Mia and I used to sleep. Thinking about that moment still gives me goosebumps.

A close-up shot of a couple's legs intertwined in bed | Source: Pexels

A close-up shot of a couple’s legs intertwined in bed | Source: Pexels

Can you guess what happened next? The same old clichés: “It’s not what you think it is, Ryan,” “I never wanted to cheat on you,” and my personal favorite, “Please forgive me.”

How could she expect me to forgive her for cheating with my friend?

At that point, I wanted to leave the house and part ways with Mia, but something stopped me. Maybe it was the shock, or maybe it was the tiny part of me that still loved her.

A close-up shot of a woman | Source: Midjourney

A close-up shot of a woman | Source: Midjourney

We lived together for a few more weeks, but I kept my distance. The silence in our once-happy home was deafening.

I thought cheating with my friend was the worst thing she could do to me, but I was wrong. Mia had one more ace up her sleeve, and I didn’t see it coming.

One morning, I woke up to my phone buzzing like crazy. Forty messages, all from my friends and family.

I realized what Mia had done once I opened the messages.

A man using his phone | Source: Pexels

A man using his phone | Source: Pexels

She told everyone that I had cheated on her. That I slept with a coworker, and she caught me in our bedroom.

My phone kept pinging as I scrolled through the messages in disbelief.

“How could you do this to Mia, Ryan?”

“I thought you were better than this.”

“You’re disgusting. I can’t believe we were friends.”

She even sent them fake screenshots of a conversation between me and that coworker. I couldn’t believe Mia could do something so evil.

A sad man | Source: Midjourney

A sad man | Source: Midjourney

The woman I had loved and trusted had not only betrayed me but was now trying to destroy my reputation.

I had no idea how to convince everyone that Mia was lying. It was so difficult, but I tried. I called, texted, and even showed up at people’s doors.

“Guys, please, you’ve got it all wrong,” I pleaded with my best friend, Jack.

“Save it, Ryan,” he shook his head. “I’ve seen the proof. How could you?”

No matter what I said, no one believed me.

A man sitting on the couch covering his face with his hands | Source: Midjourney

A man sitting on the couch covering his face with his hands | Source: Midjourney

It was like Mia had cast a spell on everyone I knew. I was the bad guy in their story, and nothing could change their minds.

Eventually, I had to move out of our apartment. The divorce papers came soon after.

At that point, my job was the only good thing left in my life. Everyone else had turned their backs on me, even my closest friends.

But the hits kept coming.

With each passing day, I found myself spending more and more time at bars and casinos.

A man in a casino, sitting with poker chips | Source: Unsplash

A man in a casino, sitting with poker chips | Source: Unsplash

It was an escape, a way to numb the pain. But it came at a cost. All my money was gone.

Besides that, I wasn’t performing well at work. Then, one day, my boss called me into his office and said they had to let me go.

And just like that, I lost the last stable thing in my life. This happened six years ago, and I almost became homeless after that.

But here’s the kicker. Even at my lowest, I managed to live a pretty decent life.

A man standing in a room | Source: Midjourney

A man standing in a room | Source: Midjourney

How? Well, I had a few tricks up my sleeve. These life hacks kept me afloat when everything else was sinking.

Hack #1: Smart Shopping for Survival

When I was nearly homeless, I had to get creative with my shopping habits. I discovered places like Food 4 Less and Grocery Outlet, where I could score food at rock-bottom prices. Sure, the meat cuts looked like they’d been through a blender, but beggars can’t be choosers, right?

I was just happy to have food on my table.

A bowl of salad | Source: Pexels

A bowl of salad | Source: Pexels

Chicken for $0.89 a pound? Apples for $0.69? Sign me up! I’d think, feeling like I’d won the lottery every time I walked out of those stores.

But the real game-changer? Ethnic grocery stores.

These hidden gems became my go-to spots for cheap produce. It was like a treasure hunt every time I walked in.

Hack #2: Reinventing My Food Habits

I used to be the king of junk food and supersized meals.

A burger served with fries | Source: Unsplash

A burger served with fries | Source: Unsplash

But losing my job forced me to rethink my eating habits. That’s when I discovered the magic of dried beans.

First, I had to parboil and rinse them. Then, I had to cook them until done. Boom! A super cheap and nutritious meal.

And here’s a pro tip: cook them in a crockpot in a small room. Not only do you get a meal, but you also heat your room.

I also found that cheap hot dog buns were a wallet-friendly alternative to sliced bread.

Hotdog buns in a tray | Source: Unsplash

Hotdog buns in a tray | Source: Unsplash

A whole loaf would often go stale before I could finish it, but a pack of 8 hot dog buns for $1.00? That’s a week’s worth of bread right there.

And water became my new best friend. Ditching soft drinks and sweetened beverages not only saved me money but also helped me sleep better and improved my skin.

Plus, I started having more consistent energy throughout the day and even lost some weight.

A man standing in a street | Source: Midjourney

A man standing in a street | Source: Midjourney

Hack #3: My $10 Lifeline

After losing my job, I had to downsize from my apartment to… well, the streets for a week.

That’s when I discovered free locked storage and free showers where I could clean up, go to the toilet, shave, wash my clothes, and even occasionally get free pizza. All for just $10. It was at Planet Fitness.

Now, it’s for $15 a month, but it’s still affordable.

Hack #4: Cooking with What You’ve Got

Vegetables and eggs on a cutting board | Source: Unsplash

Vegetables and eggs on a cutting board | Source: Unsplash

Going from a fully stocked kitchen to barely any ingredients was a challenge. That’s when I stumbled upon SuperCook, a website that generates recipes based on what you have at home.

It was like having a personal chef who could work miracles with three ingredients and some stale spices.

“Alright, SuperCook,” I’d challenge the website. “What can you do with a can of tuna, some rice, and this suspicious-looking onion?”

And somehow, it always came through.

A person frying an egg | Source: Pexels

A person frying an egg | Source: Pexels

I saved so much money by using up every last ingredient instead of buying more.

Hack #5: The Art of Affordable Healthcare

When I got sick and had to see a doctor, I learned to swallow my pride and ask for cheaper medication options. At first, I was nervous.

“Um, doc,” I’d stammer, “I can’t really afford expensive meds. Is there… maybe a cheaper option?”

To my surprise, doctors were always understanding and would prescribe affordable alternatives. It was a game-changer for my health and my wallet.

A box of pills | Source: Unsplash

A box of pills | Source: Unsplash

Hack #6: Plasma Donation

When I was really strapped for cash, I turned to plasma donation. Up to six times a month, I could donate and earn $30 each time. That’s an extra $180 in my pocket.

It stung a bit, but hey, desperate times call for desperate measures.

Hack #7: Treasure Hunting in Rich Neighborhoods

You wouldn’t believe the stuff rich people throw out. With a borrowed truck and some elbow grease, I’d go around wealthy areas on garbage day and strike gold.

Used furniture | Source: Unsplash

Used furniture | Source: Unsplash

Furniture, appliances, clothing… you name it. A little cleaning, maybe a minor repair, and voila! I had stuff to use or sell.

Hack #8: The Computer Whisperer

My tech skills came in handy when I found 10 old computers on the roadside. I acted as a computer doctor, swapping parts and breathing new life into four of them.

I sold one to a coworker for $90. It was pure profit since it cost me nothing but time.

A man putting cash in his wallet | Source: Pexels

A man putting cash in his wallet | Source: Pexels

“You’re a wizard, Ryan,” my coworker said when I handed over the refurbished computer.

I grinned, thinking of the 40-50 minutes it took me to make that $90. It wasn’t much, but in my situation, every dollar counted.

These hacks kept me afloat during the toughest times of my life. They might not be glamorous, but they worked.

And now?

Well, life has a funny way of turning things around. I’ve landed a good job and moved into a bigger apartment.

A man standing outside a house, smiling | Source: Midjourney

A man standing outside a house, smiling | Source: Midjourney

I’m no longer scraping by, but you know what? I still use some of these hacks to save money. Old habits die hard, I guess.

If you enjoyed reading these hacks, here’s another compilation you might like: Life has a way of throwing us into situations where we need quick, clever solutions. These 19 life hacks may sound a bit offbeat, but they’re just the kind of tricks you’ll want in your back pocket when life gets tricky.

This work is inspired by real events and people, but it has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The author and publisher make no claims to the accuracy of events or the portrayal of characters and are not liable for any misinterpretation. This story is provided “as is,” and any opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.

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