Can you solve this math equation in less than 10 seconds?

Ready to give it a try? Let’s see how sharp your math skills are with this problem:

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It may look straightforward, but appearances can be deceiving. Take a moment to think it through, and try not to jump to conclusions. The solution will be revealed shortly, so no peeking just yet!

Not only is solving this equation a fun challenge, but it also provides valuable benefits for your brain. Engaging in brainteasers keeps your mind sharp, improves memory, and enhances your critical thinking skills. Solving puzzles can even reduce stress and boost problem-solving abilities.

Additionally, brainteasers engage both the creative and logical sides of your brain, making you more focused and energized throughout the day. Regular participation in these challenges can even improve your IQ by enhancing concentration and spatial reasoning.

With so many advantages, it’s clear why brainteasers should be part of your routine. Now, let’s reveal the solution to the equation: the correct answer is 61.

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